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TLC’s the Lottery Changed My Life - Sold on

A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.

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1.6 BILLION USA Reasons or 115 Million Canadian Reasons to Download the Lotto Group Kit

Mega Millions jackpot surges
to record $1.6 billion

Oct. 20, 2018 – 1:41 – Jackpot reaches world record after no one wins Friday’s drawing; Jacqui Heinrich reports from New York.

TLC’s the Lottery Changed My Life - Sold on

A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.

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Oct. 20, 2018 /CNW/ – LOTTO MAX hits a new high! The LOTTO MAX draw on Friday, October 26, 2018 will offer a record-breaking $115 million in top prizing. The jackpot will be an estimated $60 million jackpot plus an estimated 55 MAXMILLIONS prizes of $1 million each
DISCLAIMER The numbers that appear on this site do not constitute official winning numbers. Please contact your local retailer for confirmation.

The Lotto Group Kit & The Free Lotto Dream Ebook – 141 MILLION CANADIAN REASONS To Download

Above is the look of someone who won $60 Million on Lotto MAX – Just practicing – positive thinking. Please do not ask this person if you can borrow $60 Million.

The Canadian Lotto MAX on Friday October 5, 2018 is now at an estimated $60 Million plus 40 Maxmillions ($100 Million) TAX FREE.

The Canadian Lotto 649 on Wednesday October 3, 2018 is now at an estimated $40 Million plus 1 GUARANTEED – $1 Million Prize ($41 Million) TAX FREE.

For a total of $141 Million Canadian reasons.

Lotto 649 has 13,983,816 possible combinations with tickets costing $3 play.

Lotto MAX has 85,900,584 possible combinations with tickets costing $5 play.

The Lotto Dream eBook is FREE  and the LOTTO GROUP KIT V2.0 is on sale for a limited time.




Lotto Group Kit V2.0: Updates and New Lower Price!

Playing the lottery, the odds are stacked against you. Lottery groups offer the advantage of using other people’s money to give you more chances to win. Nobody considers the potential for a lottery jackpot dispute until it happens to them. Why do so many lottery group plays end up disputed? Two reasons: jealousy and greed. The 19 Bell call center employees’ lottery dispute was tied up in the court system for two years, and the 24 Bombardier employees settled out of court (the case was not dropped). The Lotto Group Kit V2.0 has been recently revised in May 2017 providing current lottery information in an eBook format. Written by multiple lottery winner Ric Wallace and relaunched online at, this eBook fills a need providing valuable information on properly running a lottery group with the aim being to lessen the chances for frivolous disputes by people with no valid claim. Wallace contends playing as a group is the smartest way to play as long as the group creates a proper paper trail.

Detailing his own personal experiences winning lotteries and operating various lottery groups over the years, Wallace has updated his original book to provide current data. The Lotto Group Kit V2.0 still includes a customizable lottery group membership agreement, as well as a variety of helpful forms for documenting a lottery group’s activities. The easily downloaded eBook contains tips on scanning tickets for sharing by email with fellow group members, steps to follow for lottery group captains, and what to do when your lottery group wins a major prize. But a truly distinctive feature of the Lotto Group Kit V2.0 is the “UNIQUE LOTTERY GROUP PLAY IDENTIFIER CODE” developed by Wallace and thoroughly explained in his eBook. It acts just like a password or a PIN for banking, providing the documentation power to blow away bogus claims.


Running a successful lottery group is like running a business; proper record-keeping is necessary to satisfy an “audit” by the lottery corporation. Wallace’s eBook kit fills in the blanks to minimize the chance of an ineligible person filing a frivolous claim. Who stands to gain from lottery group disputes? People who know that the group’s procedures were lax for one, and lawyers for another. If you play the lottery with one other person, you need the Lotto Group Kit V2.0.

TLC’s the Lottery Changed My Life - Sold on

A Lucky Black Squirrel (Lottery Charm®) pin was used to hold the winning grand prize ticket for the lottery (previously known as Dream Of A Lifetime Lottery) on a corkboard in the office of® creator Ric Wallace.

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LC-2014-AD-01-500 The LOTTO Dream eBook - FREE DOWNLOAD